Author: admin

Rock ‘n Roma III

A Concert in support of the Lakatos Family’s Fight against Deportation Monday, June 20th doors at 7pm Patro Vys, 356 Mont-Royal East Suggested entry: between $10 and $20 (no one will be refused!) Join us to support the Lakatos family…

Canadian Border Services Agency disrupted by Solidarity Across Borders organizers

STATUS  NOW! STOP THE VIOLENCE! #StopDeportations #ShutDownCBSA Post-occupation Press Release  Over thirty (30) activists from Solidarity Across Borders occupied and disrupted the daily operations of the Canadian Border Services Agency for the entire morning.  Montréal, May 3, 2016 – From…

Building a Solidarity City Together! A Community Workshop and Presentation (June 14)

Building a Solidarity City Together! A Community Workshop and Presentation Tuesday, June 14, 6:30pm 1500 de Maisonneuve West, #404 (métro Guy-Concordia) Free. Welcome to all. Childcare available on site. Translation (French-English). Wheelchair accessible venue. Learn more about migrant justice organizing…

Lakatos Family Still Here: Your Solidarity Still Needed

Gilda Lakatos, 17-years old, and her mother, Katalin, are still in Canada. They applied to renew the Temporary Residence Permit they were granted in May and they can legally remain in Canada until they receive a response on this renewal…

Public Pressure Wins Two Month Reprieve for Lakatos Family

It isn’t over yet: please continue the pressure The government has agreed to postpone the deportation of 17-year old Gilda Lakatos and her mother Katalin (Robertne) Lakatos for another two months. After Gilda and Katalin courageously spoke out publicly about…

Call for Solidarity: Only one day remaining for the Lakatos family

facebook event #noneistoomany #lakatos The temporary stay of deportation 17-year old Gilda Lakatos and her mother Katalin won in May expires on Saturday and the Hungarian Roma family has not yet heard back on their application for permanent residence on…

JUNE: Month Against Borders and Deportations! Schedule of events!

Solidarity Across Borders declares June 2016 a “Month Against Deportations.” In the context of ongoing struggles for justice and dignity for all migrants, refugees and undocumented people, Solidarity Across Borders and allies are organizing actions throughout the month of June…

Building a Solidarity City Together! A Community Workshop & Presentation (May 24)

Building a Solidarity City Together! A Community Workshop and Presentation Tuesday, May 24, 6:30pm 1500 de Maisonneuve West, #204 (métro Guy-Concordia) Free. Welcome to all. Childcare available on site. Translation (French-English). Wheelchair accessible venue. Learn more about migrant justice organizing…


Gilda and Robertne (Katalin) Lakatos are facing deportation on Thursday, May 12th (see background below). Please support them in the following ways: 1. Come to show your support at a press conference on Tuesday, May 10th at 10:30am at 1500…

UPDATES: CBSA Montreal offices occupied and disrupted

Hear stories from migrants directly affected by the violence of CBSA and Canada’s immigration system. Check out the SSF Youtube page for video testimonies and stories  ‪#‎StopDeportations‬ ‪#‎ShutDownCBSA‬ 12:28pm: Two violent arrests by the cops at the support rally…

Appeal from Non Status Women’s Collective of Montreal

Following the Press Conference held on January 17th by the Montreal Non Status Women’s Collective, and its positive media impact, we would like to continue the dynamic. To do so, we need all of you and your networks to help…

Migrant justice organizers denounce the deportation of Guatemalan migrant worker this morning

Press Conference: Migrant justice organizers denounce the deportation of Guatemalan migrant worker this morning, the result of drug raid on employer Friday April 29th at 10am At the Immigrant Workers Centre 4755 Van Horne, Office #110 (Metro Plamondon) Montreal, April…