Author: admin

Community Advisory: Solidarity Across Borders denounces CBSA weekend sweep

COMMUNITY AND NEWS ADVISORY For immediate release Solidarity Across Borders denounces CBSA weekend sweep Detainees report marked increase in numbers of migrants at Laval Detention Center Contact Information: 438-933-7654 (please leave a message) (Montreal, March 26, 2015) Solidarity Across Borders,…

Against racism and Islamophobia: Gathering to oppose the demonstration of PEGIDA Quebec (March 28)

AGAINST RACISM AND ISLAMOPHOBIA Collective Self-Defense! Gathering to oppose the demonstration of PEGIDA Quebec SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 3:30pm (sharp!) at the corner of Pie-IX and Bélair map: -> FROM St-Michel métro (blue line) WALK: go east and south to…

Launch of Bring Daniel Home

Deported Teenager describes his Struggle to Survive in Mexico Press Conference Monday, 23 March 2015, 10:30am l’UQAM, Local A 1785 (Aquin Building) * Enter through 400 Saint Catherine St. East (south-east corner of Saint Denis and Saint Catherine) and take…

Media Coverage

Des femmes sans statut veulent vivre dans la dignité, la sécurité et la paix, Anne-Marie Yvon, Radio Canada, 8 mars 2016 Journée internationale des femmes : Le Collectif des femmes sans statut de Montréal réclame l’égalité des femmes sans papiers…

(March 19) Press Conference: 3500 Haitians and Zimbabweans are struggling to stay in Canada

Attention News Editors – For immediate release 3500 Haitians and Zimbabweans are struggling to stay in Canada The Non-Status Action Committee to speak out about pending removals Press Conference: Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 10:15am at the Bureau de la…

(March 21) Feast, music, art in celebration of solidarity and Abdelkader Belaouni’s 12-year struggle

Saturday, 21 March 2015 at 6pm Point St. Charles (location tba) On February 5th, 2015, Abdelkader (Kader) Belaouni obtained his Canadian citizenship after a 12-year struggle, including almost four years in church sanctuary. On January 3, 2006, nine years earlier,…

Resistance to State Repression in Immigration, Citizenship, & Extradition

Resistance to State Repression in Immigration, Citizenship, & Extradition with Deepan Budlakoti, Ivonne Hernandez & Solidarity Across Borders. Saturday, March 14, 10:30am-12pm at the McGill Faculty of Law, 3644 Peel Street Part of “In the Streets, In the Courts: Un…

STATUS FOR ALL: 2nd Organizing Assembly

Wednesday, 4 March, 6:00pm 2149 Mackay St. (métro Guy-Concordia)* *We regret that this location is not wheelchair accessible; it is necessary to climb a set of stairs to enter. – childcare available – translation available (English-French-Spanish) – snacks will…

Israeli Apartheid Week (March 8-17)

Israeli Apartheid Week Montreal | March 8-17, 2015 Ten days of panels, workshops, film screenings, demonstrations and cultural events to raise awareness around the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli apartheid. In opposition to apartheid and occupation…

Mothers against Borders: Sheila needs our support!

need $2000 by 28 February donate: indiegogo (or see other options below) Sheila was scheduled to be deported to Mexico on August 30th, 2014. Deportation would have separated her from her two daughters, age 8 and 6, and from her…

Solidarity Across Borders Denounces Deportation of Roma Family to Hungary

Anasztazia Szilagyi, husband Dezso Nemeth, and their two children Mark (21) and Mercedesz (10) will be deported this evening back to Hungary where they face neo-Nazi violence. Their request for a stay of deportation was refused by the Federal Court’s…

(Sunday 4pm) Moratorium lifted on deportations to Haiti and Zimbabwe: Next community assembly

Moratorium lifted on deportations to Haiti and Zimbabwe: 3500 threatened with possible removal No deportations! Status for All! Next Community Assembly SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 4pm at the Bureau de la communauté haitienne de Montréal 6970 rue Marquette (near métro Fabre)…