Author: admin

Lettre ouverte à Pauline Marois et Marie Malavoy concernant les enfants sans papiers

Montréal, le 31 juillet 2013 Lettre Ouverte Pauline Marois, Première Ministre Édifice Honoré-Mercier 835, boul. René-Lévesque Est, 3e étage Québec, Québec G1A 1B4 Marie Malavoy, Ministre de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport 600, rue Fullum, 9e étage Montréal, Québec,…

(August 11) No Borders, No Prisons! Status for All! Rally & Picnic at the Laval Immigration Detention Centre

No Borders, No Prisons! Status for All! Rally and picnic at the Laval Immigration Detention Centre Sunday August 11th, 2013 BUS: Parc Metro at 11:15am (limited seating so come on time! BIKE: Henri Bourassa Metro at 12:00pm OR meet us…

(August 9) Vigil: Fredy Villanueva’s Death, Five Years Later

Fredy Villanueva’s Death – Five Years Later It has been almost five years since the shooting death of 18 year old Fredy Villanueva in the parking lot of Montreal North’s Henri-Bourassa Arena, at the hands of Jean-Loup Lapointe of the…

TWICE REMOVED: Double Punishment and Racial Profiling in Canada

This is the English version of the documentary film “Twice Removed: Double Punishment and Racial Profiling in Canada,” by Lillian Boctor, produced in collaboration with Solidarity Across Borders and No One is Illegal. To view film, click here! This film…

Supporters outraged at CBSA’s presence at Montreal General Hospital to detain and deport a 57 year old woman who recently suffered heart attack

Press Release: for immediate release Supporters outraged at CBSA’s presence at Montreal General Hospital to detain and deport a 57 year old woman who recently suffered heart attack 24 July 2013, Montreal – Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) officials arrived at…

Solidarity with Deepan Budlakoti

Call for Solidarity: Four Quick Actions for Migrant Justice Deepan Budlakoti is an Ottawa-born man who is facing deportation to India, a country where he has never lived, has no family and is not even a citizen. The only thing stopping…

The Awan family supported by community groups call on Immigration Minister to let elderly grandmother stay and to bring back grandfather now in hiding in Pakistan

PRESS RELEASE – For Immediate Release The Awan family supported by community groups call on Immigration Minister to let elderly grandmother stay and to bring back grandfather now in hiding in Pakistan Contact: Cynthia Beaudry : 438-878-4354 ; Rosalind Wong : 438-933-7654 email :…


HOODIES UP: JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON #HoodiesUpMTL facebook: Organized by: Students of Colour Montreal/ÉtudiantEs RaciséEs de Montréal Endorsed by Solidarité sans frontières, No One Is Illegal-Montréal, Justice for the Victims of Police Killings Coalition, QPIRG Concordia and others. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 8pm…

Report-back: Status For All Demonstration (Updates, Links, Photos, Videos, Articles)

REPORT-BACK: STATUS FOR ALL DEMONSTRATION (MONTREAL) (Updates, Links, Photos, Videos, Articles) —– -> Status For All Photo Compilation —— May 22, 2013 — Hundreds of festive and determined demonstrators converged onto downtown this past Saturday (May 18) from four different working…

Buzas Family Media Compilation

The Gazette’s photos of the week: June 29 – July 5, 2014, by Marcos Townsend, Montreal Gazette (blog), 8 July 2014 Les Roms sont-ils toujours bienvenus au Canada? Radio Canada, 5 juillet 2014 Sursis pour une famille rom menacée d’expulsion,…

Réponse à l’annonce du ministère de l’Éducation concernant l’accès à l’éducation pour les enfants sans papiers

Communiqué – pour diffusion immédiate Réponse à l’annonce du ministère de l’Éducation concernant l’accès à l’éducation pour les enfants sans papiers La situation reste urgente : nous attendons toujours des mesures concrètes 26 juin 2013, Montréal — Malgré l’annonce de…

Montreal Roma Community Meeting against deportations / Rrom protiv deportaciya

Rrom protiv deportaciya Montreal Roma Community Meeting against deportations A montreali Roma közösség deportálás elleni találkozója [English below] [Kovetkezik magyarul] Zhowine, Djunio 27, Ka l’ 6:30 ande ryat, 1500 de Maisonneuve O, #204 Metro Guy-Concordia Rromale. pushav tumendar te aven ka…