Sunday 6 November
Rally at 4pm
Place de la Paix (on St-Laurent between Sainte-Catherine and René-Lévesque; Saint-Laurent Metro)
Sunday November 6th
Rally at 11am
Place de l’Assemblée nationale
Saturday, 5 November
Rally at 14h30 Place des Vétérans
Projection and community dinner at 5pm Musée régional de Rimouski (35 rue Saint-Germain Ouest)
Projection and community dinner at 5pm Musée régional de Rimouski (35 rue Saint-Germain Ouest)
Sunday 6 November
Sunday 6 November
Training workshop on regularization at 1pm
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC), P1-7010
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC), P1-7010
We are rallying to demand a truly inclusive regularization programme in Canada and Quebec.
There are huge number of people living in Canada who are undocumented; that is, without a valid permit to be in Canada. This number is increasing because the 1.2 million people who are here on work, study or refugee claimant permits for the most part have no opportunity to remain permanently in Canada. Consequently, because of the violent border system, many of them become undocumented.
Undocumented people, migrant workers and refugees are exploited in substandard working conditions, because regressive immigration and labour laws restrict their agency and leave them open to abuse. Lack of permanent resident status makes it difficult, and often impossible, for migrants to speak up for their rights or access services, including those they may be eligible for, because of a well-founded fear of reprisals, termination, eviction and deportation.
Migrants experience insecure housing, abuse at work, poverty and fear. The uncertainty about the future, constant stress of making ends meet, and the risk of detention and deportation negatively impacts their health.
We call on all workers, all migrants, all in Quebec who believe in dignity, equality and justice to support a comprehensive regularization program, which includes all undocumented migrants. Racist and xenophobic populism should have no place in Quebec and must not be allowed to prevent Quebec from supporting the regularization of ALL undocumented migrants. Together we have an historic opportunity to oppose systemic racism and uphold human dignity and equality. Let’s seize it.
Let’s mobilize for an inclusive, broad and permanent regularization program. Let’s put an end to discrimination!
This activity is organized as part of the Quebec Day of Action for Regularization endorsed by twenty organizations led by the Immigrant Workers Centre:
- Amnistie internationale Canada francophone
- Centrale des syndicats démocratiques (CSD)
- Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ)
- Centre des travailleurs et travailleuses immigrants (CTTI)
- Centre justice et foi (CJF)
- Clinique pour la justice migrante (CJM)
- Comité d’action de Parc-Extension (CAPE)
- Conseil central du Montréal métropolitain–CSN (CCMM–CSN)
- Conseil régional FTQ Montréal métropolitain (CRFTQMM)
- Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN)
- Debout pour la dignité
- Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ)
- Illusion Emploi de l’Estrie
- Le Québec c’est nous aussi
- Ligue des droits et libertés (LDL)
- Médecins du Monde Canada
- Réseau d’aide aux travailleuses et travailleurs migrants agricoles du Québec (RATTMAQ)
- Solidarité sans frontières (SSF)
- Table de concertation des organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes (TCRI)