We still need your support, please consider taking a moment to donate to our COVID-19 fundraiser as a way to directly support our non-status community members. Many members of the Solidarity Across Borders network who have lost their jobs are…
#HungerStrikeLaval Teach in – The Struggle Continues
Ex-detainees and hunger strikers speak up about the urgency of releasing all those detained amidst COVID-19 pandemic. When: Saturday 11 April Time: 2pm to 4pm Place: Online. Facebook event *** Please sign up here and we will send a link…
Act Now: Guard tests positive for COVID-19 at Laval Immigration Holding Centre
Solidarity with migrant detainees
CALL TO ACTION: Hunger Strikers Released as CBSA Resists Demands to Release Remaining Detainees
#HungerStrikeLaval #FreeThemAll #StatusForAll Migrants detained in the CBSA’s Laval Immigration Holding Centre suspended their hunger strike yesterday as two more of the hunger strikers, including their spokesperson Abdoul*, were released yesterday, and another today. Around 20 detainees remain in the…
Letters of Support from Coast to Coast for Detainees’ Hunger Strike
The eight day long hunger strike by the migrant detainees at the Laval Immigration Holding Center gathered coast to coast support. Here we publish the open letters by various civil society actors over a period of four days between 29th…