(6 November) Reggae Dance Party & Fundraiser

Friday November 6th starting from 9pm and ending late at Café l’Artère (7000 ave du Parc, metro Parc) $5 to $10 or pay what you can Dance the night away to sweet reggae tunes, while supporting an undocumented woman submit…

(October 18) Fall Assembly of Solidarity Across Borders

Sunday October 18th, 2015 2pm to 5pm Lorne Centre, 2390 Ryde Street, 2nd floor metro Charlevoix Free childcare! Translation english-french-spanish! Free food! Wheelchair accessible! Please RSVP if you need childcare; that will help us with planning, thank you! Do you…


Une mère loin de son fils 3 oct 2015, Anabelle Nicoud, La Presse Guadalupe est une femme menue. Elle parle un français hésitant, mais elle a tenu à raconter son histoire, prenant parfois des pauses pour ravaler ses larmes. Elle…