Support Rally: Bring Daniel Home!

Tuesday, 16 June at 10am At office of Quebec Minister of Immigration Kathleen Weil 5252, de Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal (Vendôme metro) “Daniel” (not his real name) arrived in Montreal with his mother when he was ten. When the family’s…

7 June SAB New Members Orientations

Sunday, June 7th, 2pm to 4pm QPIRG Concordia, 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, Suite 204 (Métro Guy Concordia) There will be free childcare, food and English-French-Spanish translation at theorientation. Solidarity Across Borders will be holding an orientation for new members…

(May 23 & 24) Montreal Anarchist Bookfair

Solidarity Across Borders will have a table at the upcoming Montreal Anarchist Bookfair, and many of our members will be there too, in different roles. You are invited to attend! There are activities for kids and it’s a free event. The…

(May 28) Presentation: Resisting Capitalism, Borders and Global Apartheid

“OUR TERRAIN OF STRUGGLE”: Resisting Capitalism, Borders and Global Apartheid Thursday, May 28, 7pm 1500 de Maisonneuve West, #204 (métro Guy-Concordia) (facebook: This multi-media presentation will explore the research and lived experiences that ground a “no one is illegal/no borders”…

Media Coverage – Lakatos

Journal Métro, Nouveau sursis pour une famille rom menacée de déportation, 5 août 2016 Sara R. Champagne, Le Devoir, Nouveau sursis pour les Lakatos, toujours dans l’inconnu, 6 août 2016 CTV News, Deportation order for Roma mother, daughter cancelled, 5…