odyo (kreyòl) odyo (franse) odyo (angle) afich (kreyòl) afich (franse) afich (angle) feyè (kreyòl) feyè (franse) feyè (angle)
ANET HENRIKSO has passed; Commemorative celebration of her life this Monday
Dear friends — Two close friends of Anet Henrikso – Louise Lapointe and Louise Brownrigg – passed on sad news to me today: Anet died on Wednesday in Montreal at the age of 70 after a multi-year struggle with Alzheimer’s…
Nemeth family media coverage
Normand Grondin, Radio Canada, Une famille Rom expulsée du Canada, 28 janvier CTV Montreal, Protest against deportation of Roma family, January 26 2015 Global News Montreal, Rally for Roma family in Montreal, January 26 2015 Saima Desai, McGill Daily, Roma…
Call for support: Roma family facing deportation to Hungary in one week, where neo-Nazi violence is on the rise
Anasztazia Szilagyi, husband Dezso Nemeth, and their two children Mark (21) and Mercedesz (10) are scheduled to be deported to Hungary on January 28th. They will apply for stay at Federal Court on 27th. Stay tuned for support actions on…
Summary of the Nemeth family’s struggle
Mark, Mercedesz, Anasztazia and Deszo Nemeth Call to action for Nemeth family Statement by Anasztazia Background on violence against Roma in Hungary 2003: Anasztazia and Dezso get married (Dezso has three kids from previous marriage: Dezso Jr, Patricia and Mark).…
(January 13) Solidarity Across Borders Winter Assembly
Tuesday, January 13th, 6pm to 9pm Gender Advocacy Center, 1500 de Maisonneuve Ouest, suite 404 (métro Guy Concordia) free childcare! translation english-french-spanish! free food! wheelchair accessible! Please RSVP if you need childcare; that will help us with planning, thank you!…