Attention News Editors For Immediate Release The Education For All Collective demands that the Quebec government act urgently to ensure that all non-status children can attend primary and secondary school Collective members and allies to gather at the NDG offices…
(Tuesday 10am) Urgent Gathering: Education for all!
This Tuesday morning (April 29), the Collectif éducation sans frontières will start to pressure the new Quebec government to allow full access to primary and secondary schools for non-status children. Join us! URGENT: EDUCATION FOR ALL! PRESS POINT & GATHERING…
Public assembly against gentrification : Whose City?
Solidarity Across Borders will be present at this important assembly on Sunday 4 May. The Whose City? Assembly, aims to to discuss the various current forms of resistance to gentrification, in the hopes of arriving at a common position and…
(May 10) Mothers Against Borders Brunch
Mothers Against Borders Brunch A Fund-Raiser Lorne Centre, 2390 Ryde St. (Charlevoix Metro) Saturday, 10 May 2014, at 11am Free Entry & Free Food, but donations to help with Ivonne’s legal costs are encouraged. Suggested: $10 to $20. – Fun…
(April 15) Activist for migrant rights faces deportation tomorrow despite risk to his life
For immediate release “This is not human” : Activist for migrant rights faces deportation tomorrow despite risk to his life MONTREAL, April 15 2014 – A Montreal man is facing deportation to South Korea early tomorrow morning, a country where…
Support the Tyendinaga Arrestees!
Urgent need for money to cover legal fees for Tyendinaga Warriors. On March 8, following a week of action demanding a national inquiry into the at least 825 missing and murdered indigenous women across Canada, warriors from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory…