A coalition of non-profit groups who work on refugee issues are organizing a march in the coming days as an act of protest against the Safe Third Country Agreement. We wanted to take the time to share it with you…
Release. Undocumented Migrants Deliver Stop Sign to Trudeau in Response to Terrifying CBSA Home Visits
Montreal, 14 June 2023 – Undocumented migrants, accompanied by community organizations, visited the offices of Justin Trudeau today to deliver a giant “stop” sign. The action came in response to visits by CBSA officers to arrest undocumented community members in…
Advisory. Deportations are increasing. Let’s Support Each Other and Stay Safe.
Montreal, 11 June 2023 – The Solidarity Across Borders network has noticed an increase in people being called in to CBSA offices to start deportation proceedings in Montreal. In addition, in the past weeks, we are aware of two incidents…
Urgent Call to Action: Status Now
Two weeks until parliament closes for the summer, June 23rd. We need your help. Please write, call, or visit all Federal Cabinet Ministers in Quebec to ask them to support an uncapped regularisation program which gives permanent resident status (not…
Call to Action after Concert for Regularization
As the situation worsens for the working class across Canada, the crisis is becoming acute for undocumented migrants: rent for decent housing is beyond reach; food, transport and medication are too expensive; even low-wage, bad-condition jobs are hard to find;…
6 May. Music Beats Borders: Status for All! Outdoor Concert and March
Outdoor Concert and March Saturday May 6 at noon Place de la Gare-Jean-Talon (next to Parc metro) facebook If you support the cause of non-status migrants, join us; together we will get there! Please pass on to ten people you…