Updates (Media Articles) – Le Soleil: www.lapresse.ca/le-soleil/actualites/politique/201310/25/01-4703720-la-contestation-de-la-charte-des-valeurs-rattrape-le-cabinet-marois.php – Global News (with video): http://globalnews.ca/news/925899/pq-cabinet-retreat-interrupted-by-protesters/ – Radio-Canada: http://www.radio-canada.ca/nouvelles/Politique/2013/10/25/001-ministres-reunion-pq-lac-taureau-elections-discussions.shtml – TVA: http://tvanouvelles.ca/lcn/infos/national/archives/2013/10/20131025-121226.html – Métro: http://journalmetro.com/actualites/national/392990/elections-le-pq-fait-durer-le-suspense/ – Canoe: http://fr.canoe.ca/infos/quebeccanada/politiqueprovinciale/archives/2013/10/20131025-120600.html – Le Devoir: http://www.ledevoir.com/politique/quebec/390962/rumeurs-d-elections-le-gouvernement-marois-entretient-le-mystere – Montreal Gazette: http://www.montrealgazette.com/news/Unspoken+question+cabinet+meets+Timing+next+election/9083050/story.html —– Demonstrators directly confronting Pauline Marois and…
(Oct 29) Solidarity Picket with Djaber Kalibi
Solidarity Picket with Djaber Kalibi Tuesday, October 29, 2013, 12:30pm In front of the Complexe Guy-Favreau 200, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest métro Place-d’Armes Due to his resistance against the dictatorship of Iran, revolutionary activist Djaber Kalibi is facing removal from Canada. Only…
ENSEMBLE CONTRE LA CHARTE XÉNOPHOBE DEMONSTRATION AND MARCH SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 at 1pm Gathering Point: Bethune Square (métro Guy-Concordia) (Boulevard de Maisonneuve West at rue Guy) This is a family-friendly demonstration. Welcome to all! We will be marching east along…
(October 22) Justice for Victims of Police Killings: Annual Commemorative Gathering & Vigil (2013)
Justice for Victims of Police Killings: Annual Commemorative Gathering & Vigil (2013) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 6:30pm rendez-vous: 480 Gilford, métro Laurier (St-Joseph exit) in front of the Fraternité des policiers et policières de Montréal Family-friendly; welcome to all! Rain or…
Support Striking Immigration Detainees! (Lindsay, Ontario)
Support Striking Immigration Detainees! Soutenons les immigrants détenus en grève! More info: http://endimmigrationdetention.wordpress.com Joint statement by Books to Bars Hamilton, Dignidad Migrante, Fuerza/Puwersa, No One Is Illegal-Montreal / Personne n’est illégal, No One Is Illegal Toronto, No One Is Illegal Vancouver, Solidarity Across…
(October 5) Benefit Dance Party for Solidarity Across Borders & Immigrant Workers Center
THE UNION FOR GENDER EMPOWERMENT PRESENTS: the much-awaited return of the Librarian Dance Party!! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 10pm IL Motore (170 Jean-Talon Ouest) Getting there: Il Motore is located between the Du Parc et De Castelneau metro stations on the…