EDUCATION FOR ALL ! Demonstration & Public Assembly WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 6:30pm-9pm at École Barthélemy-Vimont 415 St-Roch, in Parc Extension (near métro Parc; map: This demonstration and public assembly will take place during the next meeting of the Commission scolaire…
Communiqué: Montrealers Tear Down Immigration Detention Centre Fence
Montreal, 12 August 2013 — Montrealers tore down part of the fence surrounding the Laval Immigration Detention Centre yesterday in an act of spontaneous collective rage. Earlier that day, about a hundred people gathered in the shadow of the wall…
Ensemble contre les chartes xénophobes
Yesterday evening (September 9, 2013), more than 50 people gathered on the basis of a callout by No One Is Illegal Montreal ( in order to discuss mobilizations against the proposed Charter of Quebec Values. Many ideas were shared, including…
Public Statement: No Border Agents in our Hospitals and Clinics / Heath Care For All!
– PUBLIC STATEMENT: HEALTH CARE FOR ALL! – NO BORDER AGENTS IN OUR HOSPITALS AND CLINICS – FOR A SOLIDARITY CITY (September 3, 2013) The Solidarity City campaign in Montreal calls on all Quebec hospitals and medical facilities to refuse…
PUBLIC ASSEMBLY: “An injury to one is an injury to all!”
[This public assembly is endorsed by Solidarity Across Borders; a member of the Collectif éducation sans frontières will be part of the main panel.] PUBLIC ASSEMBLY: “An injury to one is an injury to all!” WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 7pm at…
Stop the deportation of Djaber Kalibi!
Stop the deportation of Djaber Kalibi! Organizing against a dictatorial regime does not deserve removal (August 28, 2013, Montreal) After eight years in Montreal, Djaber Kalibi is facing inadmissibility from Canada and removal to France, due to his active opposition…