STATUS FOR ALL! March for justice and dignity for all migrants and refugees SATURDAY, MAY 26, 2012 Gathering at NOON Jean Talon & Boyer, just east of métro Jean-Talon MONTREAL We live here! We work here! We’re staying here! We march together…
Press Release: Migrant justice groups hold annual “Status for All” March in Parc Extension & Villeray
Attention News Editors – For Immediate Release MIGRANT JUSTICE GROUPS HOLDS ANNUAL ‘STATUS FOR ALL MARCH’ TO DENOUNCE REPRESSIVE IMMIGRATION POLICIES IN THE STREETS OF PARC EXTENSION & VILLERAY Media Convened to Pre-March Press Point When: Saturday May 26th, 12:30PM Where: Departure…
Solidarity Across Borders Support & Legal Clinic (May 30)
Information about strategies on what to do after your refugee claim is refused Upcoming Clinics: May 30 from 6pm to 9pm at QPIRG Concordia 1500 de Maisonneuve West, # 204 Metro Guy-Concordia Find out what are the options after your…
WE SUPPORT THE CAMPAIGN OF ECONOMIC DISRUPTION March 26, 2012, Montreal — This week, Quebec students escalate their tactics, building on almost one month of a general strike, and last Thursday’s massive demonstration against the Charest government tuition hikes. The ongoing…
May 1st Statement (2012)
NO BOSSES, NO BORDERS, NO DEPORTATIONS! We declare that Migrant Rights are Workers Rights ! Since May 1, 1886 immigrant workers have been on the frontlines of workers struggles, taking direct action to demand justice and equality. This year, the…
Saturday! Spring Gathering & Community Dinner
STATUS FOR ALL! SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2012 Dinner starts at 6:30pm Location: Notre Dame des Sept Douleurs Church, 284 de l’Église, Métro de l’Église Food, entertainment, speakers, and more! FREE. Childcare and kids activities on site. Bring your family! Welcome…