Sunday: The poor storm the Bastille!

THE POOR STORM THE BASTILLE ! Demo & action for housing rights and against gentrification! Sunday October 2nd, 2011 Meet at noon at Carré St-Louis – Leave for demo at 1 pm Ten years after the eviction of the Overdale and…

Stop the Deportation of Paola Ortiz

– Paola n’est pas seule ! Paola n’est pas la seule ! (September 27) – Updated Media Compilation – Paola Ortiz given a new deportation date (September 23) – Vigil to stop the deportation of Paola Ortiz (September 22) – Media Advisory (September 21) – Keep…

Together against political repression

Montréal –September 20th 2011 Together against political repression We strongly condemn the most recent repressive offensive by the Montreal police (SPVM) whose aim is to criminalize, intimidate and isolate several political organizations. We also condemn the formation of a political…

Queer Perspectives on Migration & Criminalization

Undoing Borders Tour Infoshare With Li Morales, Essex Lourdes & Molly Goldberg of the San Francico-based collective HAVOQ Presented by: Ethnoculture, No One Is Illegal-Montreal, QPIRG Concordia, QPIRG McGill, Q-Team, Queer McGill & Solidarity Across Borders  Saturday, September 24, 1-4pm at QPIRG Concordia…