Undocumented Migrants in Canada Download the pdf. People become undocumented because of the failures of immigration policy. There is no access to permanent residency for most low-wage migrants in Canada, and only 60% of refugee claimants are accepted. Almost all…
Day of Action in Quebec for the Regularisation of Undocumented Migrants
Nous nous rassemblons pour exiger un programme de régularisation véritablement inclusif au Canada et au Québec. Il y a un grand nombre de personnes qui vivent au Canada sans statut, c’est-à-dire sans un permis valide pour être au Canada.
16 Oct. Caravan for Status for All
Les personnes migrantes et leurs allié-e-s rendent visite aux ministres du Cabinet à travers le Canada le 16 octobre, afin de réclamer dès maintenant un statut complet et permanent pour les 500 000 personnes sans papiers et pour les 1,2 million d’autres migrant-e-s n’ayant qu’un statut temporaire au Canada.
Migrant Groups Call on All Quebec Provincial Parties to Take a Stand Against Racism by Supporting Regularization of all 500,000 Undocumented Migrants
Communiqué – For Immediate Release Migrant Groups Call on All Quebec Provincial Parties to Take a Stand Against Racism by Supporting Regularization of all 500,000 Undocumented Migrants Montreal, September 13 – On the eve of a major march in Montreal…
Assembly for migrants and refugees who want permanent residence
[[Punjabi & Tagalog versions below]] Tuesday, September 6th at 6pm 7110, Ave. de l’Épée (Parc Métro) Are you a migrant or refugee? Do you or members of your community have precarious immigration status? Are you undocumented? The federal government is…
18 Sept. URGENT! Regularisation for All: No Exceptions, No Discrimination! No One Should be Left Behind!
!!! URGENT: Right now, the Canadian government is developing a regularization program! We need mass pressure to ensure no one is excluded NOW!!! March and Dance Party Sunday, September 18th at 2pm Place du Canada (corner of René Lévesque and…