Manifestation pour les dix ans des squats Overdale et Préfontaine Solidarité sans frontières soutient la lutte des mal-logéEs Montréal, le 28 septembre 2011 — Solidarité sans frontières, un réseau de soutien, d’entraide et de lutte pour la justice et la…
Stop the Deportation of Paola Ortiz
– Paola n’est pas seule ! Paola n’est pas la seule ! (September 27) – Updated Media Compilation – Paola Ortiz given a new deportation date (September 23) – Vigil to stop the deportation of Paola Ortiz (September 22) – Media Advisory (September 21) – Keep…
Together against political repression
Montréal –September 20th 2011 Together against political repression We strongly condemn the most recent repressive offensive by the Montreal police (SPVM) whose aim is to criminalize, intimidate and isolate several political organizations. We also condemn the formation of a political…
VIGIL to stop the deportation of Paola Ortiz
VIGIL to stop the deportation of Paola Ortiz THURSDAY, September 22 from 6:00 pm until the morning 200 Réné-levesque 0, metro Place-des-arts We invite you to come to a night-long vigil in front of the IRB located at 200 Rene-…
Queer Perspectives on Migration & Criminalization
Undoing Borders Tour Infoshare With Li Morales, Essex Lourdes & Molly Goldberg of the San Francico-based collective HAVOQ Presented by: Ethnoculture, No One Is Illegal-Montreal, QPIRG Concordia, QPIRG McGill, Q-Team, Queer McGill & Solidarity Across Borders Saturday, September 24, 1-4pm at QPIRG Concordia…
Standing up to state intimidation & criminalization
Dinner, panel & discussion: STANDING UP TO STATE INTIMIDATION AND CRIMINALIZATION A campaign of community solidarity and non-collaboration with CSISThursday, September 15, 6pm to 9pm Georges Vanier Cultural Centre 2450 Rue Workman (near Notre Dame and Atwater; metro Lionel Groulx)…